Why This L.A. Funder Created a Children’s Library at Men’s Central Jail

Why This L.A. Funder Created a Children’s Library at Men’s Central Jail

Gordon Philanthropies focuses on education and literacy, including by funding a new children’s library at Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles. The library aims to strengthen bonds between incarcerated men and their children.

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MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Giving for Early Education Spotlights the Power of Advocacy

Much of the celebrated megadonor’s recent giving has made its way to organizations promoting early childhood care and education. Many place their focus on advocacy, a strategy some other funders are hesitant to support.

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This Group of Foundations Has a Message for Peers: Our Racial Justice Work Is Only Getting Started

This Group of Foundations Has a Message for Peers: Our Racial Justice Work Is Only Getting Started

Commitments to racial justice surged after the summer of 2020. Now, amid a cultural, legal and policy backlash, a group of funders is encouraging others to stay the course, and keep pursuing power-sharing practices.

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An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

Think of Us has a bold mission: to transform the foster care system from the ground up. The organization’s approach, which elevates those with lived experience, landed a major haul from The Audacious Project and others.

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Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Philanthropic funding specifically addressing women and girls’ mental health remains vanishingly small. Some funders have been paying attention, though, and the organization Mindful Philanthropy wants to grow their ranks.

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Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

As support for early childhood education stalls in Washington, advocates and funders are focusing on the states. In New Mexico, a range of funders providing both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) support contributed to a big win.

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Why the Walton Family Foundation, a K-12 Funding Leader, Is Focusing on Career Pathways

Why the Walton Family Foundation, a K-12 Funding Leader, Is Focusing on Career Pathways

The Walton Family Foundation is a giant in the ed funding world, and its priorities are worth keeping an eye on. Here’s the story behind its expanding support for job and career pathways.

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Philanthropy's Role in the Growing Community Schools Movement

Philanthropy's Role in the Growing Community Schools Movement

Community schools, which support academic and nonacademic needs of students and their families, have taken the spotlight. Philanthropy has played an important role in the development and spread of this education model.

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How Public Health Funders Are Taking on the Epidemic of Gun Violence

How Public Health Funders Are Taking on the Epidemic of Gun Violence

As gun violence in the U.S. grows worse, health funders are adopting a range of strategies to address it as a public health crisis. Can they make a difference?

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“It Isn't Intractable; There Are Solutions.” How Raikes Backs Equitable School Funding and More

“It Isn't Intractable; There Are Solutions.” How Raikes Backs Equitable School Funding and More

Started by Microsoft executives Jeff and Tricia Raikes, this foundation takes some unique approaches to ed funding and is zeroing in on the thorny issue of making school funding more equitable.

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What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Funding for Early Childhood Education

What We Learned From a Deep Dive Into Funding for Early Childhood Education

As part of our State of American Philanthropy series, our new brief examines funding for early childhood education. The pandemic has pushed the issue into the spotlight and philanthropy’s role is more important than ever.

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A Funder Effort to Fight Poverty—One Taxpayer at a Time

A Funder Effort to Fight Poverty—One Taxpayer at a Time

Educating people about tax credits can be an effective way for funders to leverage their dollars for a great deal of poverty-fighting power. And there’s a dedicated funder network out there helping to lead the charge.

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IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Criminal Justice Reform?

IP Briefing: What's Going on With Philanthropy for Criminal Justice Reform?

Giving to organizations working on criminal justice reform has soared in recent years, expanding the work of existing organizations and seeding the creation of new groups. But fundraisers are wondering how long this trend will last.

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To Counter #PhilanthropySoWhite, a Foundation Offers a Paid Introduction to the Sector

To Counter #PhilanthropySoWhite, a Foundation Offers a Paid Introduction to the Sector

Lack of diversity is a persistent problem in philanthropy. A new initiative aims to improve equity by recruiting candidates from a wide range of backgrounds for a two-year paid introduction to the sector.

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Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

Responding to Inequities Revealed by COVID, Funders Set Out to Repair Workers’ Safety Net

In 2020, major foundations established a short-term, rapid-response fund for the pandemic’s hardest-hit. Now, the Families and Workers Fund has launched an effort to shore up protections for American workers.

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New Funding Flows for State-Level Advocacy as the Child Care Sector Struggles

New Funding Flows for State-Level Advocacy as the Child Care Sector Struggles

COVID has shone a light on how far the U.S. lags when it comes to child care. Backing five state-level coalitions, Child Care NEXT seeks to solve a thorny problem: how to implement comprehensive, quality early childhood education.

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Funders Fighting Child Poverty See Biden Agenda as a Potential Game-Changer

Funders Fighting Child Poverty See Biden Agenda as a Potential Game-Changer

Philanthropic leaders who’ve worked for years to eliminate child poverty see the Biden administration’s policies and proposals as a partial victory and a long-awaited opportunity for progress.

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Behind the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Strong Anti-Poverty Push in Atlanta

Behind the Annie E. Casey Foundation's Strong Anti-Poverty Push in Atlanta

Casey is well known for its extensive national grantmaking to help support kids and families living in poverty. But it's also deeply involved in anti-poverty work in Atlanta, bringing a strong racial lens. 

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