An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

An Audacious Effort to Transform the Foster Care System Gets a Big Funding Boost

Think of Us has a bold mission: to transform the foster care system from the ground up. The organization’s approach, which elevates those with lived experience, landed a major haul from The Audacious Project and others.

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The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

The Education Culture Wars Are Only Growing Fiercer. These Funders Are Fighting Back

A handful of philanthropies are supporting grassroots efforts to push back against well-funded attacks on public education. They’re hoping more funders will take a stand.

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“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

“Defend, Develop, Decolonize.” Inside NDN Collective, a Thriving Backer of Indigenous Causes

NDN Collective, a growing philanthropic intermediary and organizing force, works to build Indigenous power and has racked up an impressive array of backers. Its leaders would still like to see philanthropy go further and move faster.

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Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Who’s Providing Funding for Women and Girls’ Mental Health?

Philanthropic funding specifically addressing women and girls’ mental health remains vanishingly small. Some funders have been paying attention, though, and the organization Mindful Philanthropy wants to grow their ranks.

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"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

"The Need Is Here.” How One Regional Funder Is Stepping Up for Public Health

Woody and Gayle Hunt have deep ties in El Paso and the surrounding region. Through their family foundation, they’re boosting education in public health, one of many under-resourced healthcare priorities in the area.

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How the Ballmers Aim to Build and Diversify the Early Ed Workforce in Washington State

How the Ballmers Aim to Build and Diversify the Early Ed Workforce in Washington State

The foundation of this billionaire donor couple has made early childhood education a priority, most recently in an effort to strengthen the struggling early educator workforce through a mix of strategies.

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A Conversation With Sushma Raman, the New President and CEO of Heising-Simons Foundation

A Conversation With Sushma Raman, the New President and CEO of Heising-Simons Foundation

This Bay Area funder moved $155 million last year for a mix of science, education, climate and more. We talked to the head of the foundation about her plans, the state of philanthropy, and what she likes to do in her free time.

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These Six Funders Are Leading the Way in Support for Native American Causes

These Six Funders Are Leading the Way in Support for Native American Causes

Philanthropy has consistently overlooked Native American communities, devoting only a tiny percentage of its wealth to Native causes. But some foundations have been steady supporters. Here are the top funders.

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Salesforce Stumbles, but Its Equity-Focused Philanthropy Marches On

Salesforce Stumbles, but Its Equity-Focused Philanthropy Marches On

The tech giant has hit rocky terrain of late, but the company’s philanthropy continues to move millions. Its Catalyst Fund is supporting Black-led nonprofits promoting leadership and job skills for young people of color.

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For This Funder Collaborative, the Road Back to Abortion Access Leads Through the States

For This Funder Collaborative, the Road Back to Abortion Access Leads Through the States

The Collaborative for Gender and Reproductive Equity was working at the state level long before the end of Roe v. Wade. Today, it’s more convinced than ever that the states are where the fight over abortion will be won or lost.

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This Fund Has Backed Native American Students for 50 Years. Despite Strides, It Faces Huge, Unmet Need

This Fund Has Backed Native American Students for 50 Years. Despite Strides, It Faces Huge, Unmet Need

Native Forward, the largest organization supporting Native American scholars in the U.S., is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Even after a gift from MacKenzie Scott doubled its budget, it is able to fund just 14% of applicants.

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With the Help of Local Donors, a Children’s Health Campaign is Edging Closer to a Big Goal

With the Help of Local Donors, a Children’s Health Campaign is Edging Closer to a Big Goal

For some donors, supporting Intermountain Health’s campaign to enhance care for kids throughout the region is highly personal. For others, it’s become something to rally community around in the wake of the pandemic.

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Why This Donor Couple in the Northwest is Giving Big to a Unique Youth Mentorship Program

Why This Donor Couple in the Northwest is Giving Big to a Unique Youth Mentorship Program

Gary and Christine Rood prioritize health and children, and their giving has grown significantly in recent years. The couple’s latest move sent $33 million to Friends of the Children, which has landed some big gifts lately.

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Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

Omidyar’s Latest Effort to “Reimagine Capitalism” — Funding Intrepid Journalists

The Omidyar Network’s Reporters in Residence program is backing journalists who cover economic issues neglected by the mainstream media. It’s the latest philanthropic effort to boost a struggling field — and spur systemic change.

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“Funded to Win.” These 11 Funders — and Counting — Are Stepping Up for Black Feminist Movements

“Funded to Win.” These 11 Funders — and Counting — Are Stepping Up for Black Feminist Movements

In an open letter to philanthropy, 11 major funders have called on their peers to support Black feminist movements in the U.S. and abroad. Leaders from the Black Feminist Fund say this work is crucial to a safer and more just world.

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This Fund Wants to Dial in on Discriminatory Justice Policy in Massachusetts. Can It Succeed?

This Fund Wants to Dial in on Discriminatory Justice Policy in Massachusetts. Can It Succeed?

The New Commonwealth Fund is on a mission to tackle systemic racism and the racial funding gap. Its latest grants include a data-driven effort to show how criminal justice policy in the Bay State adversely affects youth of color.

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Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

Backed by a Broad Swath of Patient Funders, Early Ed Advocates Scored a Major Win in New Mexico

As support for early childhood education stalls in Washington, advocates and funders are focusing on the states. In New Mexico, a range of funders providing both 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) support contributed to a big win.

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Is Tutoring the Answer to COVID Learning Loss? These Funders Want to Find Out

Is Tutoring the Answer to COVID Learning Loss? These Funders Want to Find Out

Pandemic-related learning loss threatens to widen the achievement gap. Arnold Ventures and other funders are backing an ambitious research project to determine if and how high-intensity tutoring can help.

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The U.S. Is in a Mental Health Crisis, but Funding Is Still Scarce. This Group Hopes to Change That

The U.S. Is in a Mental Health Crisis, but Funding Is Still Scarce. This Group Hopes to Change That

Mindful Philanthropy, which was founded by a group of mental health foundations, is pushing funders to boost support for an urgent — and still vastly underfunded — issue.

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Can Futurism Change the World? This "Philanthropic Futurist" Thinks So

Can Futurism Change the World? This "Philanthropic Futurist" Thinks So

Trista Harris uses the tools of futurism to help nonprofits and foundations make better decisions. We check in with her about how she came to this work, and how organizations can apply futurism to navigate turbulent times.

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