North Dakota Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The North Dakota Community Foundation supports education, health, human services, housing, parks, arts and culture, and other community needs throughout the entire state of North Dakota.

IP TAKE: Describing itself as creating “creating an easy way for North Dakotans to help their neighbors and friends, now and in the future,” North Dakota Community Foundation aims to spread its resources around to all parts of the state by making modest, one-year grants to a wide variety of recipients. While it has no stated issue areas or priorities, it seems to prioritize grants for education, community development, and human services.

This is a relatively transparent funder that publishes its past grants and financials on its website. It is also fairly accessible, with an open application process for many of its offerings. While the number of opportunities to choose from may be daunting, with over 700 individual funds, there should be a little something for everyone. You can apply for a statewide grant, or search for a fund dedicated to your local community. If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, NDCF staff may even help connect you with one of the donor-advised or field-of-interest funds they manage.

PROFILE: Established in 1976, the North Dakota Community Foundation (NDCF) is a community foundation based in Bismarck, North Dakota. A group of citizens create this foundation with the initial support of the Otto Bremer Foundation, the Northwest Area Foundation, the Northwest Bancorporation, the North Dakota Bremer Banks, and the Bush Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to “improve the quality of life for North Dakota's citizens through charitable giving and promoting philanthropy.”

The North Dakota Community Foundation administers over 700 charitable funds, including more than 65 different community foundations throughout the state. These include:

NDCF has a broad focus and considers nearly any eligible nonprofit cause. It funds local efforts for education, health, human services, housing, parks, arts and culture, and other community needs.

Grants for Education and Youth

Funding for education and youth make up the largest proportion of NDCF’s yearly grantmaking. Through its Statewide Greatest Needs Fund and Community Endowment Funds, NDCF supports North Dakota school districts directly, as well as funding organizations that address issues such as poverty, hunger, and literacy by providing services and goods to youth in need. For instance, it funded United Way of Grand Forks’s Backpack Program expansion, Love One Another Now’s program to donate new gym shoes to needy students, and Breckenridge United Methodist Church’s “Soul Shop” teen suicide prevention program.

NDCF also administers dozens of Scholarship Funds for North Dakota students. These are generally aimed at students attending university or trade school in North Dakota, but may also be available to North Dakota high school students planning to attend higher education out of state. NDCF categorizes its scholarships as statewide, county-wide, community, or college-specific depending on target area. Many also have stricter eligibility requirements. For instance, applicants may have to declare their intention to pursue a specific field of study, such as agriculture, oil and gas, journalism, veterinary, or conservation.

Grants for Community Development

The North Dakota Community Foundation broadly funds community development, human services, and basic needs programs throughout North Dakota through its Statewide Greatest Needs Fund, Community Endowment Funds, and other funds. The foundation has no stated issue areas or giving priorities in this respect, but will entertain requests from any organization that works to improve the lives of North Dakota residents. According to its reports and tax filings, it commonly funds programs that address issues such as homelessness, food insecurity, disability and accessibility, affordable medical care, mental health, domestic violence, child abuse, and senior living. It also funds efforts to create, improve, and preserve community spaces such as parks, playgrounds, community centers, theaters, and museums. Past local grantees include Pick City Park Project, Beyond Shelter, Bismarck Art & Galleries Association, Kenmare Park District, AID Inc., Towner County Historical Society, Gorge Arts & Heritage Council, Emergency Food Pantry, Mental Health America of North Dakota, Women’s Action and Resource Center, and Carrington Health Center.


Statewide Greatest Needs grants range between $1,000 and $5,000, while grants from community and donor-advised funds may be higher. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records.

  • Grantmaking focuses on the state of North Dakota.

  • NDCF makes only single-year commitments and will only accept one request per organization per year.

  • NDCF tries to distribute grants as evenly as possible to the various geographic regions of the state.

  • Grant distribution decisions are made by the NDCF Board of Directors.

  • Applications for Statewide Needs Grants are accepted between June 1 and July 31.

  • Deadlines for Community Endowment Funds vary by fund. Apply by selecting the local community fund nearest to your operating area and reviewing the application guidelines for that particular fund.

  • Scholarship deadlines vary, but generally fall in March or April.

NDCF accepts grant applications through its online portal. Grantseekers must create an account to log in. Direct general questions to the staff at or 701-222-8349.


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