Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases

OVERVIEW: The Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases supports a small selection of universities and hospitals involved in disease research, treatment and care.

IP TAKE: This small, Tulsa-based foundation provides ongoing support to disease research programs at Yale, Duke, the University of Pittsburgh and the Louis Medical School at Washington University. It also supports the Delaware-based Nemours Children’s Health System and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

This is not an accessible or transparent funder. It is a low-profile foundation that restricts its public visibility. It appears to prefer conducting proactive grantmaking rather than accepting applications for funding. A phone number and address are provided below, though it is not very responsive likely due to a sparse staff, which makes sense given that this is a small organization

PROFILE: The Tulsa-based Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases keeps a low public profile; it does not maintain a website, and it employs just one formal staff member. Nancy Taylor, who died in 2007, was the wife of Edward L. Taylor, a cable television executive. Nancy was an active philanthropist during her lifetime and was instrumental in the founding of the American Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Today, the Nancy Taylor Foundation is run by Nancy and Edward’s son and makes grants to a few select universities and hospitals involved in research and treatment of chronic diseases.

Grants for Disease, Brain and Cell Research

The Nancy Taylor Foundation does not outline specific goals for its brain and cell research funding. However, past tax filings suggest a pattern of supporting genetic research and the study of autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and other mental and behavioral disorders at Yale University.

This funder also broadly funds disease research. Its broad approach towards giving in this area helps the foundation to consider a wider range of grantees. It has funded the University of Pittsburgh, the Louis School of Medicine at Washington University and Duke University in recent years.

Grants for Public Health

From the foundation’s tax filings, the Taylor Foundation demonstrates a commitment to pediatric healthcare through its ongoing support of Nemours Children’s Health System in Delaware. However, the foundation does not appear to have many health causes beyond this scope, limiting health funding to one grantee. Tax filings suggest this area of giving may not expand soon.  

Important Grant Details:

The Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases makes between $500,000 and $1 million in grants a year to a select group of universities and hospitals involved in disease research and care. Most of its recent grants have been made in the amount of $108,000. This foundation does not appear to accept unsolicited applications and does not provide a direct avenue for getting in touch. The foundation’s phone number is 918-392-9968. A mailing address is provided below.


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The Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases

2448 E. 81st St. No. 3711

Tulsa, OK 74137

(918) 392-9968