Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

Report: The Nonprofit Hiring Crisis Is Still a Thing

The National Council of Nonprofits’ newly updated Nonprofit Workforce Survey makes it clear that across the sector, organizations still can’t hire and retain essential staff. Funding, obviously, is a big part of the problem.

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What Will It Take to Reach Critical Mass on Nonprofit IT Funding?

What Will It Take to Reach Critical Mass on Nonprofit IT Funding?

The pandemic brought home how critical IT needs can be for nonprofits. A new report from the Technology Association of Grantmakers makes a case for more holistic, hands-on funder support.

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Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

Nonprofit Homeless Response Staff Struggle to Afford Housing. Will Funders Respond?

In L.A. and elsewhere, the homeless service sector’s workers are often critically underpaid, and some are at risk of becoming homeless themselves. Part of the problem is funders’ focus on numbers over actual wellbeing.

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Lessons from Across the Pond: How the Living Wage Foundation Is Exporting Its Success to the U.S.

Lessons from Across the Pond: How the Living Wage Foundation Is Exporting Its Success to the U.S.

This U.K.-based organization has had some success pushing funders to cover living wages for their grantees’ employees — and doing the same for private sector employment. Its new U.S. affiliate is also off to a promising start.

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What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

What Funders Can Do to Fight the Nonprofit Worker Burnout Crisis

Nonprofit workers are suffering. Fortunately, there’s a lot that funders, especially, can and should do to create better sector jobs. This new toolkit lays out some action items for both funders and grantees.

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Durfee Isn’t Alone: Here’s Who’s Moving Money to Support the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Staff

Durfee Isn’t Alone: Here’s Who’s Moving Money to Support the Wellbeing of Nonprofit Staff

A search for funders offering support similar to the Durfee Foundation’s Lark Awards, which provide relief to exhausted nonprofit staff, only turned up a handful of names. Here’s a rundown.

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Why These Two Very Different Family Foundations Agree On the Importance of Nonprofit IT

Why These Two Very Different Family Foundations Agree On the Importance of Nonprofit IT

Based in two different parts of the Midwest, the Shavlik Family Foundation and the Pierce Family Foundation are distinct in many ways. But they’re both committed to a cause that often gets short shrift—nonprofit IT infrastructure.

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