Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

Hands-On Help: The Other Side of MacKenzie Scott’s Recent Early Childhood Ramp-Up

In her early childhood giving this year, MacKenzie Scott is pairing advocacy with direct service funding, including support for programs that provide one-on-one, in-home maternal and infant healthcare.

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How Can Funders Meaningfully Address Gender-Based Violence? Support Survivor Justice

How Can Funders Meaningfully Address Gender-Based Violence? Support Survivor Justice

In this guest contribution, Brook Kelly-Green of Schusterman Family Philanthropies and Ada Williams Prince of Pivotal Ventures highlight the need for funders to center and support survivors of gender-based violence.

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“Funded to Win.” These 11 Funders — and Counting — Are Stepping Up for Black Feminist Movements

“Funded to Win.” These 11 Funders — and Counting — Are Stepping Up for Black Feminist Movements

In an open letter to philanthropy, 11 major funders have called on their peers to support Black feminist movements in the U.S. and abroad. Leaders from the Black Feminist Fund say this work is crucial to a safer and more just world.

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It’s Time for Philanthropy to Invest in Women and Girls of Color. Here’s How Pivotal Ventures Is Doing It

It’s Time for Philanthropy to Invest in Women and Girls of Color. Here’s How Pivotal Ventures Is Doing It

In this guest post, Ada Williams Prince of Pivotal Ventures makes the case for moving more money to women and girls of color, and unpacks how her team convened a unique external council to guide giving.

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How Ada Williams Prince Designs Investment Strategies for Liberation

How Ada Williams Prince Designs Investment Strategies for Liberation

Ada Williams Prince is senior advisor for program strategy and investment at Pivotal Ventures. In this Q&A with Mandy Van Deven, she discusses the value of lived experience, how she’s developing new investment strategies and more.

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New Funding Flows for State-Level Advocacy as the Child Care Sector Struggles

New Funding Flows for State-Level Advocacy as the Child Care Sector Struggles

COVID has shone a light on how far the U.S. lags when it comes to child care. Backing five state-level coalitions, Child Care NEXT seeks to solve a thorny problem: how to implement comprehensive, quality early childhood education.

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How the Four Winners of Equality Can’t Wait Will Put $40 Million to Work Toward Gender Equity

How the Four Winners of Equality Can’t Wait Will Put $40 Million to Work Toward Gender Equity

Equality Can’t Wait recently announced the winners of its $48 million contest to support gender equality. We take a closer look at who the four top grantees are, and what an infusion of $10 million will allow them to do.

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With a $50 Million Launch, a Pooled Fund Looks to Build Caregiving Infrastructure

With a $50 Million Launch, a Pooled Fund Looks to Build Caregiving Infrastructure

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it clear how much the nation’s economy relies on caregivers. Backed by Ford, OSF, Kellogg and more, a new fund looks to create more comprehensive and equitable care infrastructure.

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What the Gates Divorce Might Mean for Philanthropy—and What It Doesn't Mean

What the Gates Divorce Might Mean for Philanthropy—and What It Doesn't Mean

The divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates has sent shockwaves through the sector, and could have major implications if Melinda Gates were to expand her own giving. We take a look at what might happen, and what probably won’t.

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A New Melinda Gates-Backed Fund Supports Adolescent Mental Health in Dark Times

A New Melinda Gates-Backed Fund Supports Adolescent Mental Health in Dark Times

Nonprofits that address youth mental health, particularly young people of color and LGBTQ+ adolescents, are struggling. The new Upswing Fund wants to help them not just survive, but evolve.

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How Two Philanthropic Powerhouses Are Teaming Up to Advance Gender Equality

How Two Philanthropic Powerhouses Are Teaming Up to Advance Gender Equality

A new $30 million grant contest declares that “Equality Can’t Wait.” What’s driving Melinda Gates and Mackenzie Bezos to push for accelerated progress on gender equality in the U.S., and what are they looking for in applicants?

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Off the Sidelines: The Fund Propelling Women Into Office

Off the Sidelines: The Fund Propelling Women Into Office

Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, but hold less than 30% of elected seats. A Gates-backed fund aims to get more women elected to state offices. What’s its strategy and where are grants heading?

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